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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - lesson


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  1. урок, занятие lesson book —- учебник English lesson —- урок английского языка revision lesson —- повторительный урок lesson in mathematics —- урок математики to give lessons —- давать уроки to take lessons —- брать уроки 2. урок, задание to learn one's lesson —- учить урок to do (to make, to prepare) one's lessons —- готовить уроки to say (to recite) one's lesson —- отвечать урок 3. занятия Tom is very fond of his lessons —- занятия в школе очень нравятся Тому 4. муз. (инструментальный) этюд 5. урок, предостережение to learn one's lesson —- получить хороший урок to teach smb. a lesson —- проучить кого-л. let his fate be a lesson to you —- пусть его судьба будет вам (послужит для вас) уроком 6. нотация, наставление, нагоняй to give (to read) smb. a lesson —- прочесть кому-л. нотацию, отчитать кого-л. 7. церк. поучение, отрывок из Библии (читается во время службы) 8. учить, обучать to lesson smb. into obedience —- научить кого-л. повиновению 9. читать нотацию; поучать; отчитывать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) урок; to give (to take) lessons in English - давать (брать) уроки английского языка; let this be a lesson to you - пусть это послужит вам уроком  2) нотация; to give/read smb. a lesson - прочесть кому-л. нотацию; проучить кого-л.  3) eccl. отрывок из священного писания, читаемый во время службы  2. v.  1) давать урок(и); обучать  2) читать нотацию, поучать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a an amount of teaching given at one time. b the time assigned to this. 2 (in pl.; foll. by in) systematic instruction (gives lessons in dancing; took lessons in French). 3 a thing learnt or to be learnt by a pupil. 4 a an occurrence, example, rebuke, or punishment, that serves or should serve to warn or encourage (let that be a lesson to you). b a thing inculcated by experience or study. 5 a passage from the Bible read aloud during a church service, esp. either of two readings at morning and evening prayer in the Church of England. --v.tr. archaic 1 instruct. 2 admonish, rebuke. Phrases and idioms learn one's lesson profit from or bear in mind a particular (usu. unpleasant) experience. teach a person a lesson punish a person, esp. as a deterrent. Etymology: ME f. OF le{ccedil}on f. L lectio -onis: see LECTION ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French lecon, from Late Latin lection-, lectio, from Latin, act of reading, from legere to read — more at legend  Date: 13th century  1. a passage from sacred writings read in a service of worship  2.  a. a piece of instruction  b. a reading or exercise to be studied by a pupil  c. a division of a course of instruction  3.  a. something learned by study or experience his years of travel had taught him valuable ~s  b. an instructive example the ~s of history  c. reprimand  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1555  1. to give a ~ to ; instruct  2. lecture, rebuke ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (lessons) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A lesson is a fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject or taught how to do something. It would be his last French lesson for months... Johanna took piano lessons. N-COUNT 2. You use lesson to refer to an experience which acts as a warning to you or an example from which you should learn. There’s still one lesson to be learned from the crisis–we all need to better understand the thinking of the other side. N-COUNT: usu sing • If you say that you are going to teach someone a lesson, you mean that you are going to punish them for something that they have done so that they do not do it again. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »LEARNING A SKILL« a period of time in which someone is taught a particular skill, for example how to play a musical instrument or drive a car  (piano lessons | take lessons)  (She's started taking driving lessons.) + on/in  (lessons in social etiquette) 2 »IN SCHOOL« BrE a period of time in which students in a school are taught a particular subject; class1 (3) AmE  (What did you do last lesson? | boring Maths lessons) + in/on  (lessons on eight different subjects every week) 3 »WARNING« an experience, especially an unpleasant one, that makes you more careful in the future  (Pearl Harbor was a painful lesson for the US.) 4 let that be a lesson to you spoken used to warn someone that they must be more careful in order to avoid the same bad experience happening to them again 5 »BOOK« a part of a book that is used for learning a particular subject, especially in school  (Turn to lesson 25.) 6 »CHURCH« a short piece that is read from the Bible during a religious ceremony  (- see also learn your lesson learn (7), teach sb a lesson teach (6)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: TEACH A LESSON. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. leзon, from L. lectionem (nom. lectio) "a reading," from legere "read." Originally "a reading aloud from the Bible;" meaning "something to be learned by a student" is first attested 13c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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